
A frightening experience with a happy ending!

It was a nice day so Penny and Rolf went for a walk.It 
was a very beautiful sunny day.

At they were walking in the countryside Rolf saw a squirrel and started chasing it.Penny couldn't stop Rolf so she started running after him.As she was running she slipped on a rock and fell on railoway tracks.
When she slipped she hurt her head and became unconsious.When Rolf got back he saw Penny unconsious.

A little bit later Rolf started barking loudly in order to get people's attention.Some boys that happened to be nearby heard Penny's faithful dog.
In the distance they could see a train approaching them.The boys started waring at the train's driver to stop.Rolf tried to rescue Penny without a result.

At the very last minute the train stopped without hurting Penny.As soon as they pulled Penny  out of the railway tracks.She regained her consciousness and opened her eyes.Then they called an ambulance to take her to the hospital.At the hospital all her family came to see her.After some days Penny was released from hospital as she left better.


A frightening experience with a happy ending!

It was a beautiful sunny day.The birds were singing and bees were buzzing.Penny and Rolf decided to go to the park to exercise and play with a ball right next to the railway.

As they were walking ,on the way to the park,the dog saw a cat and started running away from Penny.When Penny started chasing Raolf,unfortunately she slipped on the ground.

Her faithful dog run for help immediately.

Fortunately ,some passers by heard the barking of the dog and saw Penny being unconsious on the ground.

The two men ran towards Penny and the fast minute,Rolf and the two men rescued Penny.
After a while Penny regained her consciouness and then the two men called an ambulance,to take Penny at the hospital.At the hospital doctors called Penny's parents and they were very upset.
Two days later the two men went to the hospital to see how Penny was ok and she could go home.A surprise was waiting for Penny.Her friends and her parents organised for her a surprise party.They lived happily ever after.

                                                                      Nelly and Elizabeth

Life on planet "Aris"

                     People believe that there are no other planets like ours.They are making a big mistake because we are not alone.
                     I think that there is life on other planets,because scienticts have found that planet "Aris" is just like Earth.Also,they believe that "Aris" has water and that temprerature levels are the same as on Earth.Well, that changes it all?Doesn't it?
                    This planet is just like Earth but bigger and red.Scienticts have already sent satellites,rockets,astronauts to other planets and they have realized that life has existed for thousands of years.I believe that we will be able to travel to other planets in the near future but we will suffer many loses.What do i mean by that?I mean that we will not be able to travel to planet Aris in safety.

                                                                                                           Nelly Koutiva


                        Have you ever wonderer if there is intelligent life on other planets and what life is like there?I have just returned from on interolactic voyage and all I can say is that we are not alone!
                        Planet Zutopia has very long black trees and flowers.It has many mountains but strangely enough it has no water and wind. People on planet Zutopia have three legs,ten arms,three eyes and ears.They live in green houses.These houses have a hundred living rooms and one kitchen.
                        People on planet Zutopia do not go work.They sleep all day long.I think people on Planet Zutopia have a very boring life.I would not like to live there but I would definitely like to travel there again!Would you?

                                                                                                       Kosmas Nomikos

                                                          LIFE ON PLANET ZUTOPIA

                            Have you ever wondered if there is life on other planets and what life is like there?I have just returned from a space trip and I can say that we are not alone.
                            About 5 trillion light years away from Earth there is a planet called Zutopia,which is just like Earth with mountains,oceans,rivers and lakes.However,its inhabitants are very different from humans.Zutopians are like monsters with purple stomachs,7 green,orange and yellow legs and 7 weird shoes.
They have got 4 arms that are like guns.If Zutopians want they can kill you.Their heads are orange,blue,green with 3 mouths and 8 eyes.In their hair lives a monster which has a mouth and a tail in the shape of a gun.
                           The difference between Zutopians and humans is in the way that they walk.Zutopians walk backwards!!!I really enjoyed being on planet Zutopia and I would certainly like to visit it again.What about you?

                                                                                                          Lukas Anestis

                                                         LIFE ON PLANET ZUTOPIA

                            Have you ever wondered if there is life on other planets?I have just returned from an intergalactic voyage and I can tell you that there is!!
                            About 900.000 light years away from Earth there is a planet is called Zutopia.It is green and very wierd.It hasn't got oceans and forests like Earth.Instead it has endless gorges.If you see a Zutopian you will be scared because they have pink skin,two heads,five eyes,three hands and six legs.
                            The habits of a aZutopian are very strange.For example.if you give flowers to a Zutopian he will slap you because in Zutopian giving flowers is considered bad luck.Their pets are monsters and they also smell terrible.
                            I can say that my trip to palnet Zutopia was very funny but also very scary.However,I would like to go again to this planet.

                                                                                                       Thanos Tolios